+15 – The Lion Sleeps Tonight – Or decides to keep me up all night

Sept. 19, 2013 – Day +15

No blood work today.

So, the Lion has been sleeping.

Lion Sleeping

Lion Sleeping

We’ll we knew I couldn’t get this without some pain, that would have been just crazy talk. Last night I woke up with major bone pain in my legs. Mostly my knees and working it’s way up and down the legs. This is caused by the stem cells engrafting, and making room them to keep growing. They are trying to make some noise, and I noticed. I sent some FB msg to some alums from the group and they said, yes, push the button and ask for some relief. No way I was going to get any rest if I didn’t, and this was WAY more pain that an Advil was going to work on. So, a nice nurse came in, I pointed at the chart showing pain and where was, and she came back in and gave me a large injection into Marvin. It helped enough to allow me to sleep a bit, but still this morning my knees were so weak I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to get out of bed without help. I made it, but very slow go.

I’d dropped a napkin on the floor after breakfast and bent to pick it up and just fell right over. Had to end up crawling to the bed to help me up and decided, bed might be a good place for me for a bit. Not a pretty sight.

When Dr. F came in for rounds, he ordered a Steroid shot, in the bum, to help out with the pain. I’m being weaned off of them, so wasn’t too keen on having another one, but I’m in pain. Anyway, that should hold me over for a while. The knees are still really weak and sore, but I’m managing. He said he would have some pain killers for me tonight so I could sleep. My last steroid infusion will be in the morning, so they can take Marvin out. They don’t risk leaving him for too long, it increases risk of infection. So, Marvin will be a thing of the past before noon tomorrow. Any other injections I will need will be the old fashion way, shots.

So, now I’m on the true home stretch to come home. I’ll meet with Dr. F on Monday to go over final instructions and restrictions, and orders for my doctors to keep on top of things when I return to the US. I’m checking out of here on the 24th and staying at a hotel closer to the airport, since my flight is at 11:40 am, and the traffic here can delay you for three hours easy. So, didn’t want to take any chances.

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Tina Sten
    Sep 19, 2013 @ 07:23:12

    Watch for constipation after all those pain relievers. Have something ready, just in case.


  2. Jannet Short
    Sep 19, 2013 @ 10:10:37

    Bone pain from the stem cells can be bad but it’s their way of telling you they are working. Let me know when your ready for me to talk to the doctor here about taking over your care under Dr F orders. If you want me to contact him now I will need a little info from you so let me know. I’m so proud of well your doing and how positive you are staying. Keep it up friend… Love ya


  3. mego
    Sep 19, 2013 @ 11:41:09

    Let the lion sleep — and I am going to interpret the pain to mean the army of stem cells is kickin MS’s butt!! Hang tough and ask for meds if you need them. We are all pulling for and sending love and health your way!


    • Michelle Rickard
      Sep 19, 2013 @ 17:38:23

      Really agreeing with Jannet and mego. I’m sure this means you are healing right up. So proud of how well you are doing. s


  4. Kathy Scholes Abel
    Sep 19, 2013 @ 23:56:32

    Vicki, i can’t believe you’re almost outta there! You’ve been so brave, especially when it comes to that tongue! I guess it’s good to know what we do with all our leftover cow tongues. Keep up the good work, you’ll be home with dottie and tom before you know it!


  5. Linda TURNAGE
    Sep 20, 2013 @ 12:20:59

    Sorry things were tough yesterday. Am hoping that tomorrow will be a better day for you once Marvin is history. The pic you sent of your good looked halfway appetizing — chicken soup:) the tongue they serve makes my stomach turn! Have you eaten any of the tongue and what does that taste like? Hang in their Vicki, you’ll be on that airplane and home before too long. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!


  6. Roger
    Sep 22, 2013 @ 09:20:17

    So sorry to hear of the extreme pain, it must be awful, but it leads to good things to come. hope you be getting some good rest with reduced pain.
    Love & prayers from Texas


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