Fun Slide

fun slide
This fund raising thing is not for wimps. I’m not good at asking for help, let alone asking for money AND help. My Stepmother likes to tell a story of when I was 4, I slid down one of those huge slides they used to have in the 70’s, I’m sure they are banned now for safety reasons. You know the ones, you climbed up what seemed like a thousand steps and then you slid down on a burlap bag. Anyway, I went down and then fell in the dirt. She ran over to help me up, and I told her I didn’t need any help and got up and dusted myself off, at the age of 4 mind you. That’s just how I am, fall down, get up and dust myself off. Today, I can’t always get up by myself, I need a hand. So, thanks for all the hands that are out there helping me up this time.

The T-Shirts arrived yesterday! I will be shipping out the pre-orders today and tomorrow. If you haven’t bought one, they are $15. You can pay on the web site, with PayPal or PM me on FB.
Keep Calm and Kick MS

And we’re off!!

Well, finally getting around to my first post. With all of the free time on my hands, you’d think I would have fit it in. Between, applying to treatment facilities, getting accepted to Russia, deciding to move to Little Rock, going to Little Rock, and buying a house, selling a house in St. Augustine, (which was the most work), starting to pack the house, kicking off fundraising efforts, oh… and a little trip to Scotland that was planned waaay before we even knew what HSCT was, I have been a wee bit busy. But, now it’s almost where I can take a deep breath. That’s when the wheels on the plane pull up and we are soaring over the Atlantic.
Race horses
We have a lot in the works and I have a group of elves that are doing so much to make it all happen, I couldn’t do it without them. We are going to have two fund raisers, one in St. Augustine and one in Jacksonville. Neither is totally locked in, so stay tuned. The T-Shirts arrived today, so will try and get the pre-orders out before we leave. And we have some really cool wrist bands that glow in the dark, more on those when they arrive.
All for now, I have to finish up small things for the home inspection tomorrow… one more thing getting checked off the list.